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搜索ing for a job or internship can be very difficult. 学生s often have so many choices and places to look they struggle with where to start. Here are some resources to help you begin the search process. At the bottom of the page you can see the most recent positions posted through Hire A 熊猫.


职业服务 makes every effort to check the validity and accuracy of employers and job/internship postings on Hire A 熊猫 社交媒体账户, 然而, we cannot guarantee that every employer or posting is legitimate. Candidates are urged to thoroughly review postings and use caution and common sense when applying.


  • 不公开社会安全号码, 信用卡信息, passwords or bank account numbers to prospective employers.
  • Do not agree to have funds or paychecks direct deposited into any of your accounts by a new employer – you should know them first.
  • Do not agree to purchase items and mail them to an employer.
  • Do not agree to pay for training items, certification or placement expenses. Legitimate employers shouldn’t ask you to pay for the promise of a job.

Most employers give the option of direct deposit or a paycheck, and make these arrangements during your first day or week of actual employment, 现场-不是之前.

If something sounds too good to be true it probably is. If you have questions, please contact 职业服务.


Northwest 学生 Internship Opportunities

The following are internship opportunities that are specific for students at 澳门网上博彩官方网站. You can learn more about them by clicking the links below or contacting the 就业服务办公室.

校园 and 校外 Jobs from Northwest Human 资源

The Human 资源 department at Northwest posts both on and off campus positions on their website. 点击下面的按钮了解更多.


This internship provides outstanding networking connections and could be a springboard to many career avenues including public relations, 法律, 通信, 政治, 州政府, 还有其他很多人. Selected intern candidates retain full-time Northwest student status while in Jefferson City.  Tuition costs are deducted from a $3,000 stipend. The remainder is available for living expenses while in Jefferson City.



在线招聘网站 在线实习资源 国际机遇


  1. 明确你的职业目标. 你要去哪里?? It will be difficult to find a job when you are not sure what you are looking for.
  2. 组织你的求职. You should allocate a portion of each week for doing research on companies that interest you and for pursuing other means of contacting employers. 保持准确的记录, good addresses and the dates you contacted employers as well as copies of follow-up messages will be vital to your job search.
  3. 调查就业市场. Find information about companies and industries using their website, 社交媒体账户, 求职板评论等等. Knowledgeable faculty may be an additional resource.
  4. 网络. 人们雇佣他们认识的人, 所以你遇到的潜在雇主越多, 你找到工作的几率就越大. Develop your social and professional networks. Make a list of the people you know that might be helpful and contact them. Who on your list might refer you to someone else?
  5. 准备好你的简历并申请. Tailor your resume to the potential job or internship to have the best chance to secure an interview. Make sure you follow all instructions when you apply for a position.
  6. 坚持和跟进. Persistence is one of the key strategies in the job search. 你是否在寻找工作机会, 投递简历, 安排面试, 或者联系招聘机构, 你需要坚持不懈,积极主动. Follow all promising contacts with phone calls and letters and remember professional etiquette at all times.
  7. 为面试做准备. 参加模拟面试日. Review research material, watch videos on interviewing. Plan to send a thank you letter immediately after an interview. Follow-up after an appropriate period of time. Script out what you want to say to the question - "Tell me a little about yourself".
  8. 确保这是适合你的工作. Before you accept or decline an offer, consider the offer carefully. Make sure the details of the offer are clear; preferably get them in writing. 细节可能包括开始日期, 起薪及福利, 位置, 工作描述, and responsibilities as well as the date by which you must respond to the offer.

It is important to keep track of the jobs and internships you research and apply for. 使用这个 Excel模板 Excel的标志 组织你的搜索.

学生s who are starting an internship search can find answers to frequently asked internship questions in our 学生实习快速入门指南. pdf






资源 for Candidates with Disabilities








